
So much love

To send love from the cyberspace to a bunch of people that can be on the other side of the world could seem like quite the task. But with the help of a little bit of code and the internet, you can do anything. This would have definitely looked impossible when I was writing QuickBASIC on my MS-DOS computer more than two decades ago, when I was a kid.

A regular like was not enough, and we were going all the way, so we decided to make this happen, we headed to the stores, bought the components and started coding, one hand on the diagram and the other on the keyboard.

David Labs

As expected, it was a ride, an incredibly fun one. I did not expect every component to work first try, and indeed it did not, but when I finally finished and everything was working as expected, it felt awesome.

That incredible feeling comes back to me every time the light turns on, so please, bring that feeling back to me.