

VKontakte (VK) is the most popular social media in Russia that has 75 million Russian users. Any business can find its target audience here. Below you can find information about advertising on VKontakte: how it works, what are the types of ads, and what are the billing options. VKontakte is an analog of Facebook. It has more or less the […]

It is interesting to see the difference between digital marketing in Russia and Finland from the point of view of a Russian expatriate now living in Finland. The main difference is that on the Russian market is much more competition and noise. Russian companies are constantly generating content, engaging and communicating with customers. The Finnish markets are, in a way, […]

First of all, what is Yandex? Yandex is the market leader of the Russian search (engine) markets with over 50% share. Google is sitting at 45% while the remaining 5% is shared by all the rest of the search engines. 114 millions of people are using Yandex Search in Russia every month. Yandex has Yandex Direct, which is an advertising […]

Kun ihminen hakee vaihtoehtoja, käyttää hän siihen hakukonetta. Suomessa se on lähes aina Google, mutta venäläiset käyttävät tilastojen mukaan mieluiten Yandexin verkkohakupalveluita. Mutta kummallekin hakukoneelle on yhteistä se, että jos haluaa tavoittaa venäläisen kuluttajan, on mentävä pintaa syvemmälle ja tutkittava eri termien merkitystä ja vaikuttavuutta.